Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Marketing 101

Marketing is crucial for any business. In a nutshell, marketing is how a business communicates their value of their products and services to potential clients. In order to fine tune your business marketing strategies you must determine the target audience you wish to reach. The last thing you want to do is take a shot in the dark! Once you know your business goals, you can begin implementing your marketing strategy. In today’s day and age, we all understand how beneficial social media is for any business. It allows us to connect with our customers as well as attract potential clients. Needless to say, when it comes to marketing, get online and start mingling with your audience however, this is not the end-all way to marketing. Let’s dive deeper and start thinking outside of the box.

Dirk Kettlewell: Once you know your business goals, you can begin implementing your marketing strategy.

If you want to make the most out of your marketing techniques, begin to think community. How and what can make you stand out and become a prominent member of your community. Local festivals, charities, and fundraisers are great ways to market, network, and get more foot traffic into your business. These kinds of events also are great for corporate sponsorship. As a corporate sponsor, you are likely to see your name and logo around the event and can potentially earn special recognition.

There are many ways to market your business. The idea is to think outside of the norm, doing so helps you stand out and gives you that crucial differential advantage.