Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Starting a Business

Starting a business is not like playing a child’s game where you can stop in the middle when you get tired. You can’t run any trade without knowing a single thing about it. Dirk Kettlewell is acquainted with these facts for he is aware of handling any type of business due to his years of experiences.

When establishing business, there are many risks to consider. You cannot just throw your money anywhere especially when you have no idea how to get it back. All kinds of business promise great profits but you should be aware which one fits your character and ability. Having the right amount of money is not enough unless you have the capacity run. To generate good income, there are many factors that are helpful for beginners such as asking what type of business does he needs? What are the target customers? Where is the best location? Are customers found in the specific place of where the store is to be built? When is the service most convenient? After giving probable answers to these statements, you can then proceed to prospect workers. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Building Your Customer Base

Customers are the key ingredient to any successful business. They are the backbone that holds us together. Throughout the years, Dirk Kettlewell has picked up a few tips on building a business customer base. With a little work, you can begin to build a strong customer base which means a bigger bottom line.

Any business wants to have loyal customers because they of course are ideal customers. Loyal customers will often refer other to your business and act as a valuable asset because they are active advocates. It is as if they are free marketing tools. Always keep your loyal customers happy. Some of the best customers a business can make are those that get so excited about the level of service they receive that they cannot stop telling others about it. These types of customers are golden assets and can make for a tremendous source of new customers. It is a good idea for any business to pinpoint these type of customers and then offer them extremely exceptional service. They will then become your biggest fans and assets. Referral programs work wonders for a business and customers love them.

Referral programs act as a win win situations. Referral programs that offer rewards to customers for bringing others into the customer base can be in the form of discounts, gifts, invitations to special events, or closed door sales events. Many of your customers have family, friends and coworkers who require the same products and services, so referral is just part of the process of expanding the customer base. Consider partnering with other businesses who have a common customer demographic but no direct competition. This can help expand its customer base quickly and easily. Try locating relative businesses that share the same philosophy, style, and corporate culture or personality.